Everything you need to know about Female Infertility

Everything you need to know about Female Infertility

If a woman has been trying to conceive for more than 6 months and fails, it is considered as infertility. Women who have multiple miscarriages are also considered as infertile. Female infertility is difficult to diagnose. The treatment would vary based on the cause...

Know About High Risk Pregnancy

Though having a baby is a natural process, all the pregnancies do not go smoothly as expected. Some of the women experience difficulty during or after the pregnancy, which is referred as high risk pregnancy. A pregnancy is considered as a high risk pregnancy if the...

Everything You Need To Know About Male Infertility

There is a misconception that only reproductive problems in females can prevent a couple from having a baby. But, the fact is male can also have infertility. In males, fertility is based on the quantity and quality of sperms. If the numbers of sperms produced during...

When is Fertility Check Required?

If you and your partner are trying to have a baby for more than one year but not able to have a baby, you may need to consider having a fertility test. There are a number of tests to check the fertility. Fertility tests are the best way to determine whether you are...

How to Reduce Miscarriages?

Many women experience miscarriages. Miscarriages generally occur due to abnormalities in the fetus and this cannot be prevented. However, several other reasons could lead to miscarriage in women such as obesity, diabetes, thyroid, advancing age and hypertension....

Is your Body Signs showing off PCOD

In this modern era, everyone is worried about their looks and appearance, especially women. Women are mainly worried about their multiple pimples, weight and acne that affect their beauty. When you notice some sudden changes in their body such as excessive weight...

All You Want To Know About Fallopian Tube Blockage

Fallopian tubes are two thin tubes, and they are the most important reproductive organs in the female. They act as a bridge between ovaries and the uterus. Roughly in the middle of a menstrual cycle, ovulation occurs, and eggs are released every month. These fallopian...

What is the Link between Obesity and Infertility

Overweight or Obesity is one of the rising concerns worldwide. We are certain that overweight leads to many adverse health problems, including sexual problems; infertility is one of the growing concerns affecting both men and women’s fertility. It is forcing the...

Everything you need to know about Recurrent Miscarriage

Recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL) or recurrent miscarriage is defined as a consecutive loss of two or more pregnancies. Miscarriages commonly occur in 10-15% of all pregnancies, and it is mostly seen in the first trimester, before 20 weeks. One or two miscarriages do not...

Can Fibroids Affect your Fertility

There are many different factors that play their part in affecting your fertility levels and the ability to get pregnant. Fibroids is one such potential uterine factor affecting 20-50% of women of reproductive age suffering from uterine fibroids. They are more common...